Humidity and the consequent formation of mold on the walls of the house is a very common problem and quite expensive to solve. Mold is not only unsightly, but can also pose a risk to our health.
Itchy eyes and nasal congestion are among the milder symptoms of mold exposure. Fortunately, there are solutions that allow us to prevent and avoid the problem of excess humidity in the home.
Below we list some plants that are capable of absorbing humidity from the air through their leaves, to transport it towards their roots.
1. Mint
This famous aromatic plant is capable of absorbing humidity from the environment. It grows well in humid environments and is ideal for kitchens or bathrooms.
It grows all year round and is also useful in the kitchen, for the preparation of both dishes and herbal teas.
2. Orchids
These wonderful plants are capable of reducing the humidity present in the air at home. Their roots are not in the soil, and therefore they absorb water from the air.
Additionally, some have pseudobulbs that conserve water and help them survive drought periods better. They look great in the bathroom.
3. Log of happiness
This plant produces white and very fragrant flowers. It can reach a considerable height.
One of the main properties of this plant is its ability to purify the air in your home, also absorbing humidity.
4. Palm trees
An excellent option for keeping humidity and mold levels under control, especially in bathrooms. They are capable of absorbing moisture through their leaves.
It is suggested to choose areca, bamboo or date palm.
5. English ivy
This climbing plant is very simple to care for. Its natural habitat is humid and temperate woods, and for this reason it is recommended to place it in the most humid rooms of the house, such as bathrooms.
It is also perfect for hanging over the kitchen sink or near a window.
6. Phalanx
A very effective plant in absorbing the humidity present in the environment. Furthermore, it eliminates toxins present in the air at home, such as formaldehyde and xylene.
It needs indirect light and survives periods of drought. In summer you need to increase the frequency of watering.
7. Spathiphyllum
This tropical plant cannot tolerate frosts and drafts, and for this reason it is a wonderful indoor plant.
Water it once a week and it is perfect for dimly lit bathrooms or kitchens.
8. Tillandsia
Like all epiphytic plants, it absorbs humidity from the air because it does not take root in the soil, from which other plants take nutrients and water.
It grows in rainy areas and its leaves are covered with cells that are capable of quickly absorbing the water that accumulates on them.
9. Boston Fern
It is a very well-known and popular houseplant, often grown in hanging pots.
It thrives in moist, shaded locations, but needs some indirect light.
10. Calantee
Many well-known houseplants with wonderful decorative properties belong to this family.
They need a lot of humidity to mimic their natural habitat.