How to Clean Aluminum with Charcoal and Lemon

Start by gathering your materials:

3 pieces of regular charcoal

2 lemons


1. Crush 3 pieces of regular charcoal into powder using a mortar.

2. Place the crushed charcoal in a container and sift it through a sieve, collecting the powder.

3. Squeeze the juice of 2 lemons into the container with the charcoal powder.

4. Mix the lemon juice and charcoal powder until homogeneous.

5. To clean and polish aluminum pots:

– Pour a small amount of the mixture directly into the pot.

– Let it sit for 5 minutes.

– Scrub the pot with a sponge.

6. The abrasive nature of charcoal helps remove dirt, while lemon juice aids in removing grease.

7. This mixture can be used on any aluminum or metal surface to remove stains and leave a shiny finish.

Why it Works:

Charcoal is highly abrasive, aiding in the removal of dirt and stains from aluminum surfaces.

Lemon is a powerful cleaning agent, particularly effective against embedded grease.