Revitalize Your Health with this Natural Remedy: Pumpkin Seed, Raisin, Flaxseed, and Honey Elixir

Dad is 60 years old, but he feels like a thirty-year-old! Eat this once a day for the health of your intestines, joints, and immunity! A wonderful and simple natural remedy that provides strength and power. Cleanse your intestines of harmful toxins.

Please be cautious of individual intolerances to any of the ingredients. Do not forget about contraindications; make sure to consult with your doctor! Here’s what you will need:


5 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

4 tablespoons dried grapes (raisins)

3 tablespoons flaxseeds

4-5 tablespoons natural honey


Today, we are preparing a natural remedy for the health of the intestines and joints.

We need 5 tablespoons of peeled raw pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc, which is very good for bones, and phosphorus, which is involved in collagen production.

Add 4 tablespoons of dried grapes (raisins). Dried grapes reduce acidity in the body and remove toxins. Dried grapes have bactericidal, immune-stimulating, and diuretic effects. It is best to rinse them with water before adding.

Blend the ingredients in a blender. Then add 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds.

Flaxseed reduces high cholesterol levels in the blood. It is also rich in B-group vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. Flaxseed protects bones from osteoporosis and is good for cartilage and bones.

Finally, add 4-5 tablespoons of natural honey. Honey contains all B-group vitamins, K, E, C, and provitamin A. Honey helps control blood sugar levels.

Honey helps lower blood pressure and normalize heart rate. Among other things, it normalizes stomach acidity and gastrointestinal tract microflora, stimulates digestion, and nutrient absorption.

Mix well to combine all the ingredients and store in a clean container in the refrigerator.